New Years Resolutions – Good or Bad?

I am aware that many people at a similar stage of life to me can have a rather negative view towards new year’s resolutions.  However, I think there is a place for them when there is a concerted effort to focus on making small steps of progress, rather than the giant leap that resolutions can often require us to take.

I think back to one of the hardest times for me during the last twelve years when I’d just been released from hospital and had to come to terms with living in a house with little sight and an inability to walk. I remember looking at my Mum in utter consternation and her telling me “It’s all about taking small steps in the right direction” and this has been something that I’ve tried to live my life by during the last 12 years.

In my presentations I share this story and encourage young people to share their challenges and their area of focus with others who can then notice and applaud any progress they might make.

Maybe a resolution for us all is to speak to our children about what they want their area of focus to be in 2025 and then our job is to notice and to applaud any small steps of progress.

A Happy New Year to you all!

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