Happy New year to you all!
I’m conscious that we’re now well in to the new year and in many ways it can be an exciting time full of new hopes, dreams and visions. But somehow the reality of short days, poor weather and nasty coughs can take root and our initial enthusiasm for the new year wanes. And this is where I think today’s title comes home to roost. We need to remember not to allow our outward circumstances, feelings and emotions to directly steer us when it comes to making decisions. We need to keep our eyes fixed firmly on the ‘ball’ of where we want to go in the course of 2020 and not allow what is often quite a challenging time to determine where we end up.
I was having a very involved conversation with my sister a few weeks ago about hibernating, which of course many animals do, but that doesn’t seem to be on the agenda for us! So we need to soldier on with a clear sense of where we want to try and get to.